Coming soon to a blog near you!
In the summer blockbuster spirit, we’re inviting you, our Beta team, to a pre-screening of the new TypePad. Starting today, we’re giving you access to the All New TypePad. We've been testing the new version for weeks, and we think it’s an absolute joy to use. We’re excited that we can share it with you.
Professor Wibbels has put together a quick video to tell you about some the benefits of the new TypePad: ease of use, new ways to find readers and great blogs, better tools to build a vibrant community, and more.
Ready to get started? Click on “Preview the New TypePad” and start blogging. You’ll be able to seamlessly switch back and forth between the old and new with just a couple of clicks. (But we know you’ll love the new one!)
Your feedback will help make the new TypePad better.
This is just the beginning. We have tons of improvements and new features you’ve requested coming your way.
From everyone on the TypePad team, we’re happy you’re blogging with us, and we’re ecstatic you’re going to be among the first to see the new TypePad and to help us create the future of blogging.
PS: Read more about the mission of the new TypePad on Everything TypePad.